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A pretty simple guestbook service, with some color customization. One banner ad at the top.


Customize your own guestbook with options such as background wallpaper, back link, midi music, text colors, change and add fields, email notification, language filter, statistics and advanced settings to personalize your guestbook.


You can customize the colours and the font face.

GuestWorld (HtmlGear)

(formerly Lpage) Definitely the most popular guestbook service on the net. You can specify your own tag. You can turn on profanity and HTML filters, specify an email message to be sent to every poster, choose to be notified of each new post, and more. You can also approve all posts before they're posted to your guestbook. You can also ban certain IPs from posting to your guestbook.


DreamBook is one of the best guestbooks 19c available if not the best. You can change all the colors and HTML. Plus you can very easily add as many form fields as you want. You can add text fields, radio buttons, dropdown menus and more.


This is more of a survey that a guestbook. You can pick any of predefined questions or create your own and your visitors will be able to answer them one at time. Each page contains a banner ad at the top and five buttons at the bottom.


GuestBook.com allows you to add personal introductory messages, customize five entry fields, make your guestbook public or private, and even send a custom auto-response message to guests who sign your book.

Guestbook Depot

Allows you to customize colors and background. You can ban certain IP addresses, add up to 10 extra fields, change the title graphic and more. Two banner ads are displayed in your guestbook.

4AF Guestbooks

Easy to use, different styles, preview mode, check for valid entries, blacklist, disable HTML, limit entries length, header & footer HTML, edit entries and more.


Get a free guestbook in which you can edit entries, customize colors and you have a banner at the top.

BeSeen Book

You can customize colors and there is a banner at the top and two forms at the bottom.


Shows an ad banner at the bottom and a pop up. You can only customize colors.


Available in English or German. Change heading, welcome text, add multiple fields of all kind (text, radio, checkbox), edit entries, view statistics and more.

SiteGadgets.com (GuestBook)

Free guestbook with unlimited number of questions, some of them can be toggled to required, and you can customize header and footer.

CGISpy Guestbooks

A guestbook allows visitors to view or put there own comments about your website. They can read what other people think of it and/or add there own comments! You can modify the questions, add your own or remove them. You can edit the variables.